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How to Grow MINT in Containers?

Mint is a fast Growing and popular herb.
By this simple steps , you can grow mint herb at your home in the Containers!
Mentha also known as mint is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae (mint family).The species are not clearly distinct, and estimates of their number vary from 13 to 18. Hybridization between some of the species occurs naturally. Many other hybrids, as well as numerous cultivars, are known.

When and Where to Grow
Fill the Container with Soil and added Compost.
It is a year round herb , so you can grow at any time but not on the frost.
It  can be grown at indoors and needs partial shade.
Keep the herb in the morning sunlight if possible but not the entire day in sunlight.
It grows in all types of soil and add compost if need.

How to plant

Sow the Seeds  directly in to the containers.

Place the mint plant directly in soil , which you bought from the market


Take a stem which is chopped from a healthy mint plant and keep it in a water and when it sprouts transplant in to the soil.


sow the seeds in to the soil and water it well.(Difficult to Germinate)


It grows well and spreads rapidly
Harvest the leaves by hand picking once the leaves become large
Trim the mint plant , Mint keeps producing new leaves ,to grow
For Larger and Better harvest keep the mint herb for the flowers bloom.

Health Benefits of Mint
  • It Helps to Rid out the Bad Breath.
  • It enhances the Immunity Power .
  • Surprisingly it restores the Digestive Problems
  • Lowers the Heart Strokes
  • Controls the Blood Pressure and Keeps to be Cool.
  • Immediate Relief from the Cough and cold.
  • Strengthens the Bones and Helpful for the Athletes.

Lets know the cultivation of Mint
All mints thrive near pools of water, lakes, rivers, and cool moist spots in partial shade. In general, mints tolerate a wide range of conditions, and can also be grown in full sun. Mint grows all year round.
They are fast-growing, extending their reach along surfaces through a network of runners. Due to their speedy growth, one plant of each desired mint, along with a little care, will provide more than enough mint for home use. Some mint species are more invasive than others. Even with the less invasive mints, care should be taken when mixing any mint with any other plants, lest the mint take over. To control mints in an open environment, they should be planted in deep, bottomless containers sunk in the ground, or planted above ground in tubs and barrels.
Some mints can be propagated by seed, but growth from seed can be an unreliable method for raising mint for two reasons: mint seeds are highly variable — one might not end up with what one supposed was planted — and some mint varieties are sterile. It is more effective to take and plant cuttings from the runners of healthy mints.

Something You Don't Know about the Mint
Mints are supposed to make good companion plants, repelling pesty insects and attracting beneficial ones. They are susceptible to whitefly and aphids.
Harvesting of mint leaves can be done at any time. Fresh leaves should be used immediately or stored up to a few days in plastic bags in a refrigerator. Optionally, leaves can be frozen in ice cube trays. Dried mint leaves should be stored in an airtight container placed in a cool, dark, dry area


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